1. How is LiveSource different than Github?
2. Does LiveSource work only with small projects?
3. What languages does LiveSource work with?
2. Does LiveSource work only with small projects?
3. What languages does LiveSource work with?
4. How does LiveSource connect with my source code?
5. Who should use LiveSource?
6. Is LiveSource dependent on good comments in code?
2. Does LiveSource work only for small projects?
3. What programming languages does LiveSource work with?
4. How does LiveSource connect with my source code?
5. Who should use LiveSource?
6. Is LiveSource dependent on good comments in code?
Programmers distribute and share code with Github. This is not the focus of LiveSource. LiveSource features and user interface are very easy to understand, because are supposed to be used also by non-programmers and not only for computer technicians.
LiveSource starts loading your source files from Github (or any other git or subversion repository) and goes much further, creating a layer on top of your source code that can be read by non-programmers, significantly improving the communication between the technical and non-technical people of your development team.
You can use Github, your preferable developments tools (like Eclipse, Rails, ...) and LiveSource all at the same time. They are not exclusive, in fact, they complement each other. For example, you use Eclipse in the office, and when on the train home, you pull out your phone to do a little review and update your status with LiveSource.
2. Does LiveSource work only for small projects?
LiveSource doesn't discriminate the size of your software, but strongly recommends to break large and complex projects in various small and lean applications (read more: Mini & Lean Apps). If you have a huge amount of source files in a single software project, it is much more expensive and difficult to manage, manipulate, understand, communicate and maintain this code. LiveSource will take longer to load big software projects.
3. What programming languages does LiveSource work with?
LiveSource filters the comments within your source code. Basically every programming language has the ability to add comments inside the source code. So, basically, LiveSource can load any programming language (eg.: Ruby, Java, PHP, Python, C#, JavaScript, ...)
4. How does LiveSource connect with my source code?
Code on your local computer:
You can safely upload your local software project to the LiveSource server.
Code in the cloud:
If you have your source code on any git or subversion repository in the cloud (eg: GitHub, Google Code, ...) LiveSource can access and read it.